Galaxy Magazine (April 1959) by Unknown

Galaxy Magazine (April 1959) by Unknown

Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 1959-04-15T00:00:00+00:00


"There might have been some spurious attempt to rescue you, for example. Probably by a girl of about your own age or a little less."

Allan stared at him in open dislike.

"I wanted to tell you," said Car-ruthers virtuously, "but you wouldn't let me. Traditions count for a lot on Spurc. Just as we see to it that people are defended in court whether they deserve it or not, Spurcans have attempts to escape. It doesn't seem decent to them that while a man is awaiting sentence, his friends and relatives, and particularly his wife or girl friend, shouldn't make any attempt to have him released. So they see to it that jailbreak attempts are made."

"But in the case of a human, how could they get another human to cooperate?"

"Easily enough.' For money. If there was any such attempt — and I can't imagine there not being one — I think I can guess who you saw. Dawn Clifford."

Allan felt himself growing hot under the collar. He didn't necessarily trust Carruthers and he had no intention of betraying anything to him. Nevertheless, he couldn't help saying bitterly: "How could any human collaborate with those inhuman little balloons to torture another human?"

"If you mean how could Dawn

do it, I'll tell you. She's an actress. Came here two years ago with a touring company. Fell foul of Spurcan law and isn't allowed to leave. Q.E.D."

"Why does any human ever come here?" Allan exploded.

"I don't know. Why did you come here?" Carruthers inquired politely.

THAT night the doctors, psychologists and scientists arrived at the Simber suite. None of them could speak English except the interpreter, whose job was simply to interpret anything the Spurcans wanted translated, not to enable Allan to say all he felt inclined to say.

They fastened plates against his skin, measured his blood pressure, checked his brain patterns. Technologically, they were several hundred years out of date, but that merely meant the methods were crude, not the results. Allan could be sure that since they were dealing with an alien, comparatively unfamiliar life-form, they had consulted the official intergalactic organism standards and consequently would be able to interpret his reactions only a little less accurately than human psychologists.

The first thing they established was that he particularly wanted to get out of Spurc. They didn't say anything, or at least the interpreter didn't translate anything.



But it needed very little imagination to see that that would mean he was to be kept a prisoner for life on Spurc.

Now Allan remembered what Carruthers had said about Dawn Clifford. She had fallen foul of Spurcan law too, had been sentenced to starvation and the Three Unwishes — and naturally one of the things she most wanted had been to get away from Spurc.

It must be a not uncommon circumstance among visitors to Spurc who happened to get into legal trouble.

The second thing Allan desired was the most beautiful girl in the Galaxy. The third was a million dollars.

Three simple, straightforward desires. He wondered what they would make of the last two.


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